Dilan çiçek deniz businessman boyfriend alihan aloğlu Dilan çiçek deniz emerges openly with her latest partner for the first time. Have they got involved? .

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Dilan çiçek deniz businessman boyfriend alihan aloğlu

Together miss turkey star dilan çiçek deniz seems to have taken the affair of love, when his businessman boyfriend, alihan aloğlu, the youngest son of the popular businessman ladies of aloğlu, shifted from love to a formal and unreported commitment.

pictures from dilan çiçek deniz and her boyfreind alihan aloganlu for the first time in a public location since the founders of the social network posted news of their love affair a month and a half ago.

They offer their friends a restaurant and then accompanied by a camera to take a photo when they were inside the vehicle.

The duet was congratulated by fans and partners, while some citizens were envious and some touched on each other, while some touched on how they wished to relate to the son of the high society in order to maintain the partnership if they were associated with one of the actors while others were supposed to be split.

the dahir took advice from her friend panso khalki with the business people who don't eat a living," and "god bless her.

She deserves all the rest, for she is human alone and detrimental to all because all that hate is a thing that i recognise."

On 30 august, dilan çiçek deniz began a relationship with alihan aloğlu after he had mentioned wedding events where a short video featured dilan çiçek deniz and alihan aloğlu performing a song at the wedding that was announced by the turkish celebrities account, containing without a tweet the video: "dilan çiçek deniz with her beloved son of the high society (alihan aloğlu), who was the author's operator.

Beyond Retro

Bornon 28th feb 1995 in siwas, turkey Dilan çiçek deniz is a turkish actress and models.

She debuted in 2013 in the movie honeymoon and participated in the series "sun kids" and "little sweet liars." in 2014, deniz was best-known for sina kuchofali 's involvement in the popular "the door" sequence.

The most stunning, renowned and famous in turkey. The stars of the turkish series "the pit" were listed in the course of 3 seasons, before the name of the series was snatched into the heads of the citizens, hitting the mass they strive to.

Earlier, in her new appearance, journalists noticed turkish artist Dilan çiçek deniz while leaving the isanbul restaurant. 
The journalists took this chance to interrogate Dilan çiçek deniz regarding how she has lately become differentiated from her new boyfriend, turkish artist Birkan Sokullu, who refuted this rumour by the young actress and told her, « all the news about this topic is fake.

We did not split up. "we did not give up.
It is worth noting that, some months after her separation from her former love star Birkan Sokullu last january Dilan çiçek deniz was linked to perkan when she used to be related and affiliated with the turkish perak tuzonatash.

He also has the experience of wedding the turkish artist asli anver in the "harem sultan" movie, who separated from her in 2015 after three years of marriage that had not culminated in children.

Dilan çiçek deniz's boyfriend was separated from her because of the adventurous kisses in the series "the hole." 

The heroine of the series "the pits" according to a turkish news report, Dilan çiçek deniz, after a two-year relationship because of the kisses between  Dilan and Aras Bulut İynemli, who plays the series' boyfriend, is divorced from her boyfriend okan jan. 

A couple of days ago, after being criticised for the several kiss-scenes in her film, ilan said that she wants no exaggeration, is a regular spectator, is present and must be done in the script.

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