Rumor gta online ps5 would permit character migration from ps4,rumor – gta online on ps5 will use rockstar's revamped red dead rage engine 2,it appears that gta online on ps5 will allow current players, including ps3 and ps4 models, to transfer their character on ps4 to a new device.

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Lines of codes included in the recent update to the grand theft auto online seem to suggest that gta on line on the s5 ps5 will be using the rockstar revamped rage engine, which was last used in red dead release 2.

This news comes out of the gtaforums (gtabase). A new line added recently reading "chascharactertotransferdecisionpage" indicates, gta online is asking players to move their character from ps4 to ps5, somewhere in the gtaforums (via gtabase) gui, especially user tez2. This line of code is used to interpret "rage::fwuimessagebase," which only can be seen in the revised version of rockstar's new game.

Lines of codes contained in the current grand theft auto online update have apparently hinted that gta online on ps5 would use rockstar's modified rage engine, which was last used in red dead redemption 2,this news comes from the gtaforums (via gtabase), where user tez2 has reportedly discovered some code referring to the character transfer function.

A new line added recently reading "chascharactertotransferdecisionpage" indicates, gta online is asking players to move their character from ps4 to ps5, somewhere in the gtaforums (via gtabase) gui, especially user tez2. This line of code is used to interpret "rage::fwuimessagebase," which only can be seen in the revised version of rockstar's new game.

Tez2 is recognized in the gta online community for posting game file details, but it stays deserving of alerts before we hear from rockstar something practical; tez2 in the gta online community is known to post game file information, but it is still worth it before we learned from rockstar, grand theft au

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